The Bund is a waterfront area located in Shanghai, China. This area refers to the buildings along side the river facing the Oriental Pearl Tower in Shanghai. While A&S Hive members and UK instructors were visiting Shanghai, the Bund was a must-see tourist attraction. Visiting the Bund…
Views of China from High Speeds
In May 2012, a delegation of UK faculty, students and A&S HIVE members Dana Rogers and Cheyenne Hohman visited Shanghai University to participate in three days of academic discourse, conversation and presentations.
During their free time, the members of A&S HIVE traveled to…
Jing'an Temple, Shanghai, China
In May 2012, members of HIVE and various UK instructors traveled to Shanghai, China to participate in an Appalachian Symposium as part of an exchange with Shanghai University.
One ancient Chinese structure that was visited by these travelers in China was the Jing'an Temple. Jing'an…
Anthropologists in Shaker Village
Written by: Sarah Geegan
Kim McBride, anthropology professor and co-director of the Kentucky Archaeological Survey, taught Anthropology 585: Field Methods in Archaeology at the Shaker Village of Pleasant Hill this summer. Twenty-five miles southwest of Lexington, this site provided a…
UK-SHU Students Summit Program
In May 2012, a delegation of UK faculty and students visited Shanghai University to participate in three days of academic discourse, conversation and presentations. Students from Shanghai University welcomed the summit program through a night of many traditional Chinese performances. Ron Pen…
Kentucky Geological Survey at the Kentucky Horse Park
Beneath the Kentucky Horse Park, there is a cave system that feeds part of the Cane Run Watershed. Michael Farwell and James Currens showed us some of the technology used by the Kentucky Geological Survey to monitor groundwater quality, velocity, and temperature through the seasons. The Kentucky…
History Professsor Dan Rowland's Retirement Party
On Thursday May 3, 2012 a reception was held for the retirement of History Professor Daniel Rowland. His speech was entitled "A Charmed Life" To view a video recording of the speech, click on this link
photos courtesy of Joanna Lile
Year of China: Awaken the Past, Discover the Future Kickoff
A&S's Year of China is a part of the College of Arts & Sciences' Passport to the World, an academic initiative established to prepare the UK community — faculty, students, staff and alumni — to meet the challenges and opportunities of globalization. For more information on the College of…
Earth Day Field Trip with EES' Frank Ettensohn
Did you know that the Bluegrass region used to be a deep blue sea? Even though Frank Ettensohn has done geology tours before, the tour on April 21st was offered specifically for Earth Day celebrants. Faculty from the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences showed participants a wide…
Community 101 Final Presentations Reception
Community 101 is an A&S course that connects students to Lexington through history, culture, modern issues and much more. Community 101 showcased their final presentations for the course during the Gallery Hop event in UK's Art Museum, where selected students were awarded with $500 for the…
Community 101 at the Horse Farm
Community 101 is an A&S course that connects students to Lexington through history, culture, modern issues and much more. Enroll in Community 101 next semester to enjoy the outdoors of Lexington's horse farms, as well as participating in many other adventures. Photos by: Dana Rogers
Explosions in the Sky with Pete Idstein
Taking advantage of gorgeous late March weather, Earth and Environmental Sciences Academic Lab Coordinator Pete Idstein, held some outdoor volcano demonstrations for his students.
For four days crowds gathered behind Scovell Hall as Idstein concocted the proper amounts of materials to…
Psychology Honors Program
Sometimes students in a popular major like psychology can be intimidated by the large class sizes. After considering this issue, Bob Lorch (former chair of the Department of Psychology) and other faculty members in the department put their heads together and created the Psychology Honors Program…
The Confucius Institute Spring Gala 2012
A Center for Chinese language and arts offering community classes, teacher preparation courses, and events and services for the public. With the support of their partner institution, Shanghai University, and Hanban, the Chinese Language Council of China's Ministry of Education, they seek to…
A&S Wired Students Present Projects on Henrietta Lacks
Fifteen A&S Wired students gathered at Keeneland Hall on Wednesday, Feb. 29, to showcase their knowledge of human subject protection, cell biology, research ethics and history. With posters, movies on iPads, handouts and PowerPoints, they presented information on this wide array of topics —…
EES Professor Ravat honored at Indian Geophysics Union
In December 2011, Earth and Environmental Studies Professor and Chair Dhananjay Ravat received an honorary shawl at the Indian Geophysical Union's 48th annual conference in Vishakhapattanam, India.
A Hive Valentine's Day
“The ancient Romans may be responsible for the name of our modern day of love. Emperor Claudius II executed two men — both named Valentine — on Feb. 14 of different years in the 3rd century A.D. Their martyrdom was honored by the Catholic Church with the celebration of St. Valentine's Day.…
Geography Balloon Mapping
With this 'home brewed' kit - consisting of a camera, a 2-liter soda bottle, a balloon, rubber bands, and string - UK geography professor Jeremy Crampton shows students how they can create their own high resolution mapping data on a budget. Photos by: Damien Angel and Vincent Purcell
Study Abroad with Wired
On Monday, January 30th, Education Abroad and the Wired Residential College hosted an information session about A&S courses offered in foreign locales this summer. Eight faculty members described their courses to a group of 35 students in the lobby of Keeneland Hall, and afterward, they…
Air Force ROTC Cadets Run for POWs/MIAs
Air Force ROTC Cadets participated in the annual POW/MIA Run to honor the sacrifices of the nation’s prisoners of war and those still missing in action. ROTC cadets and faculty run 29 miles — from the UK campus in Lexington to the Kentucky Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Frankfort Kentucky— This…
Jim Holler: Creator of Periodic Table
Recently retired chemistry professor was responsible for creating the periodic table of the elements that is showcased in room 139 of the Chem-Phys Building.
These photos give us a detailed account of all that went into that process. Jim designed the table, painted the letters, and…
Ecological Research Facility
The University of Kentucky's Ecological Research Facility (ERF) is a roughly 55-acre tract of old farmland on the north side of Lexington Kentucky. Consisting of old fields and artificial ponds, ERF is located in a residential neighborhood between downtown Lexington and the surrounding horse…
S.T. Roach Community Conversations: Dr. King's Dream for Black Men
MLK Cultural Center scholar-in-residence, professor Arnold Farr and co-host professor Vershawn Young, African American Studies and English, discuss the promise of black manhood in America by examining MLK's actions, philosophies, and speeches.