Joe Lewis
Academic Advisor
A&S Advising
1. In my spare time I read, enjoy movies and love to travel. I’m willing to go almost anywhere I’ve never been before.
2. I don’t have a favorite movie, there are just too many to pick from, but my favorite book is “The Hitchiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” by Douglass Adams.
3. I’m kind of a “foodie” so I like to try new things. When we travel, we’re always using Tripadvisor and Yelp to find local, out of the way places. My wife and I also do a lot BBQ as well. We have a BBQ smoker and she has created her own dry rub recipe.
4. I make short films on the side. I’ve never made a dime doing it, but it’s always a pleasure to create something that didn’t exist before. I also collect movie memorabilia.
5. Brush with fame? I’ve actually met a lot of my filmmaking heroes. I’ve been lucky in that. Two weekends ago I moderated a panel for George A. Romero at a local convention. We had met a few times before, but it was a dream come true to moderate his panel and ask questions about his career that had NOTHING to do with Zombies. He appreciated it as well.