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Advising / Reinstatement After Suspension

Reinstatement After Suspension

Academic Suspension Information

Being Placed on Academic Suspension

Students are subject to suspension if:

  1. They fail to earn a 2.0 term GPA for any term while on probation.
  2. They have three consecutive UK terms in which their cumulative GPA remains below 2.0.
  3. Their GPA is below 0.6 after their first term, if the semester’s GPA is based on at least 9 hours of grades, A, B, C, D, or E.

A student academically suspended from the University may not enroll in any courses offered by the University of Kentucky including evening courses, off-campus courses, independent study courses, summer school, distance learning courses, or by special examination for University credit. A student under first academic suspension may not be reinstated until he/she has remained out of the University for a semester and a summer session (one semester for a student suspended at the end of summer session). A student under second suspension may not be reinstated until he/she has remained out of the University for two years.

There is no immediate or automatic reinstatement in the College of Arts and Sciences.

Reinstatement After a First Suspension

After a student has remained out of the University for at least a semester and a summer session, (one semester for a student suspended at the end of a summer session), students may apply for reinstatement.  Students should present evidence that they are capable of performing at the level required to prevent being suspended a second time.  This evidence is normally a transcript from an accredited institution with a minimum of 12 attempted credit hours.  

Reinstatement After a Second Suspension

Students under a second suspension must remain out of the university for two years before the College of Arts and Sciences will hear a request for reinstatement. A student who has been suspended from the University a “second” time shall not be readmitted to the University except in unusual circumstances and then only upon recommendation of the dean of the college in which the student plans to enroll and approval of the University Senate Council.

Important Calendar Deadlines for Arranging Reintstatement Appointments

You may be wondering why we impose calendar deadlines for reinstatement appointments after an academic suspension. The deadlines help ensure that you will be eligible for an early Big Blue Nation Orientation. Course availability is best only if you participate in one of these orientations. Since a reinstated student returns to UK on academic probation and is subject to another academic suspension review at the end of the reinstated term, we want to do everything possible to help ensure you are placed in a good position for course selection.

 If you are reinstated, your participation in the Big Blue Nation Orientation for readmitted students is an important step in a strategy for academic success.

Reinstatement After a First Suspension:

  • After you have remained out of the University for at least a semester and a summer session, (one semester for a student suspended at the end of a summer session)
  • For 1st reinstatement to a Fall Term: You must apply for reinstatement by May 15.  Late applications will not be accepted.
  • For 1st reinstatement to a Spring Term: You must apply for reinstatement by October 1.  Late applications will not be accepted.

Reinstatement After a Second Suspension:

  • After you have remained out of the University for at least two years
  • For 2nd reinstatement to a Fall Term:  You must apply by for reinstatement by April 15.
  • For 2nd reinstatement to a Spring Term: You must apply for reinstatement by September 1. 

Again, students requesting reinstatement in a College of Arts and Sciences major must meet these reinstatement deadlines so they are eligible to participate in an early Big Blue Nation Orientation for readmitted students BEFORE the opening of term.

If you have questions about reinstatement before or after submission of your application, please email or call (859) 257-7296.

The Spring 2025 reinstatement application is open until October 1, 2024.  The reinstatement application is a two step process.  Students must complete step 1 by the October 1, 2024 deadline.  Step 2 must be completed by October 7, 2024.  The application can be found here.  

If you are unsure of your academic status or have any questions regarding the reinstatement process, please feel free to contact us.

A more detailed explanation of the University grading system is provided in the University Bulletin